mercredi 18 décembre 2019

Browse the web efficiently

Browse the web efficiently

Nothing seems simpler than a web search ... But did you finally find exactly what you were looking for? Have you been looking for 3 days or 3 minutes? Did you catch some viruses by the way? If by these questions you recognize some pitfalls, I offer you some tips to quickly and efficiently find what you are looking for.

The choice of keywords

Avoid sentences that are too long and too descriptive. You are extending your search too much, therefore not precise enough. Choose clear, descriptive keywords and the minimum required to define your search. Also avoid pronouns, frankly most of the time, useless during a search.

Vary keywords

After visiting the first 4-5 pages of your browser with no conclusive results, vary your keywords. You can always continue to go to the next page, but in general after the tenth page you will not find anything very relevant. Sometimes even, around 15-20th pages, security problems (viruses, etc.) arise.

Vary language

After an unsuccessful search in French, do a search in English.

Read addresses

Below each title of your search, you can see the address of the site that publishes the information. Check these addresses carefully, they may indicate more than you could imagine. If you are doing a search on Windows, for example, you might like to have the information directly from Microsoft. The address under the title will tell you that. If Microsoft is registered in the address, you are probably on the right track, if not, continue your search. It is not excluded that you find your information elsewhere, but the security risks for your PC can increase.