mercredi 18 décembre 2019

Learn to read and modify scripts

Learn to read and modify scripts

I would not say that I speak the html language as a second language, however, I always manage to find all the information necessary for the realization of a project, to make corrections if necessary of the scripts, to change colors, to adjust the size videos or other and more ...

How to do it, I'm sharing my tips with you.

You have built your website largely without having to consult the html code. However, there is this little extra that you would like to bring to your site and no other choice than to go through the html code. Firstly, if you have added text to your site, you will easily recognize all of your texts fully available in the html code. These are benchmarks. For example, you want to integrate your YouTube video into your site. First of all you have to copy the embed code of your video. Second, you need to locate where you are going to embed this video. Rely on your texts to orient the location where you will integrate your code.

It is handy to know some html color code, for quick modifications of your script. For example, black is defined by 000000, white by ffffff and dark gray by 333333. To have the choice of colors, you can consult the web. Personally, I prefer to rely on my Gimp graphics software.

You can also change the size of certain scripts or YouTube videos for example. You must then make a modification to the pixel value of the object of your request.


Here is a Youtube integration code. In pink I underlined the value of the length and the height in pixels. If the representation of the video is too large, divide the values ​​given by 2 or 3 to reduce the size of the video. Remember to keep the proportions, unless you have something else in mind.

<iframe width = "876" height = "493" src = "" frameborder = "0" allow = "accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in -picture "allowfullscreen> </iframe>